Round 1: Mayweather opens with a jab to the head and one to the body. Marquez short with a jab. Hook by Mayweather lands. Mayweather lands a hook. Marquez not doing much at all. Jab by Marquez. Marquez misses wildly with a hook. Left-right by Marquez. Good left hook by Mayweather. Another hard left by Floyd. Mayweather wins round, 10-9
Round 2: Mayweather lands a jab and Marquez lands a hook. Mayweather seems so much faster. Crowd chanting for Marquez, but he’s not landing much. Hard right by Marquez. Mayweather smiles. It definitely landed flush. Left uppercut by Mayweather puts Marquez down. Marquez is up. Hard right by Mayweather lands. Marquez misses three shots badly. Combination by Mayweather. Hard right by Mayweather. Mayweather wins round, 10-8.
Round 3: Hard jab by Mayweather to open the round. Mayweather blocks a Marquez combination. Left-right by Mayweather. Straight right by Floyd. Short right inside by Juan. Mayweather lands a jab. Combination by Mayweather lands. Marquez gets in a right. Speed difference between the men is stark. Right over the top by Marquez. Mayweather smiles again. Mayweather wins round, 10-9.
Round 4: Right hand by Mayweather and a jab to the body. They bang heads, but nothing happens. Good left hook by Floyd. Right to the body by Juan. Right to the head by Marquez. Mayweather popping the jab in Marquez’s nose. Marquez’s face is beginning to swell, especially right eye. Right by Marquez. Hard hook by Floyd. Mayweather flicking jab and making Marquez miss badly. Mayweather wins round, 10-9.
Round 5: Marquez tries a combination, but Mayweather scurries away. Mayweather pops jab and it lands hard. Crowd urging Marquez on, but Mayweather lands a left that does not do much damage. Marquez misses a five-punch combination. Counter right lands by Floyd. Big left by Floyd. Left hook by Floyd lands. Marquez’s right eye not looking good. Another hard left hook by Mayweather. Marquez can’t catch up to him. Mayweather wins round, 10-9.
Round 6: Straight right by Floyd. Marquez misses a combination. Double jab by Floyd. Mayweather cracks Marquez with a hard left. Marquez showed effects of that blow. Right to body by Marquez. Hard jab by Mayweather. Jab-right hand by Mayweather. Right by Mayweather. They trade in corner but not much lands. Hard right by Mayweather. Left hook by Mayweather and then a right. Mayweather wins round, 10-9.
Round 7: Marquez missing badly. Mayweather jabs to the body. They clinch in the center of the ring. Hard left hook by Mayweather. Mayweather popping the jab. Mayweather winks at HBO’s announcers while in a clinch. Jab-right hand by Floyd. Marquez’s face doesn’t look good. Marquez lands a left hook. Mayweather’s defense is remarkable. Hard straight right by Floyd and then a left hook. Left hook by Mayweather. Mayweather wins round, 10-9.
Round 8: Right by Marquez. Left hook by Marquez and a left by Mayweather. They trade jabs. Mayweather popping jab. Marquez’s left eye looks awful. He’s right above me and I can’t imagine he sees much out of it. Mayweather lands a left again. Marquez hooks to the body. Jab by Maweather. Jab by Mayweather. Marquez lands a jab. Right by Mayweather inside and he ducks away. Short right by Marquez. Right by Floyd. Combination to the body by Marquez. Mayweather wins round, 10-9.
Round 9: Right by Marquez. Jab by Floyd and a right by Juan. Floyd goes with a left to the body. Combination to body by Marquez. Left hook by Mayweather. Jab-right by Mayweather. Straight right by Floyd. Jab by Floyd. It’s a shooting gallery and Marquez is like a sitting duck. Left-right-left by Floyd wobbles Marquez. Big right by Floyd. Marquez is game, but he’s being pummeled. Mayweather wins round, 10-9.
Round 10: Mayweather is popping lefts to start round. He seems intent on maybe getting Marquez out. Two hard rights to head by Floyd. Another big right by Floyd. Mayweather lands a huge left hook. This is utter domination. Right by Marquez. Combination by Floyd. Three jabs to nose by Floyd. Short lead right by Mayweather backs Juan up. Right by Mayweather. Marquez’s corner ought to think about stopping this. He’s taking clean hard punches. I can hear them from my ringside seat popping off Juan’s head. Mayweather wins round, 10-9.
Round 11: Mayweather is landing hard lefts. Golden Boy’s Eric Gomez is in Marquez’s corner asking them to throw in the towel. Uppercut by Floyd. Marquez misses badly on five-punch combination. Huge right by Floyd. Another right by Floyd. Hook by Mayweather. Right to the body by Floyd. Hard right by Floyd snaps Juan’s head back. Referee is looking carefully at Marquez. Jab by Mayweather. Mayweather wins round, 10-9.
Round 12: Left hook by Floyd to open round. Left-right by Floyd. Mayweather misses home-run uppercut. Mayweather not doing as much in the final round. Marquez misses a combination. Hard right by Floyd and then a left. Huge right by Mayweather and Marquez hangs on. Mayweather wins round, 10-9.
This concludes our coverage of the said fight between still undefeated Mayweather and the numero uno from Mexico, Juan Manuel Marquez. Mayweather wins over Marquez by Unanimous decision. It looks like we’ll have a Pacquiao vs Mayweather in soon time, but before that, let’s prepare for a Pacquiao Cotto battle coming up this November.
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